This catalogue is not exhaustive but a brief glance will show that I am essentially a miniaturist and that I nearly always write for particular performers on specific occasions. I enjoy a challenge and like to be useful. Several of these titles were designed for my own recital work; some originated as commissions, arose from necessity or were written to fulfil educational commitments; others were personal gifts or intended for private performance; and a handful may be classified as late-flowering (and possibly over-ripe) juvenilia, but I am still rather fond of them.
Festal Flourish – for four brass instruments (1979)
‘For Chris Ransome and Susan Eastaugh on the occasion of their wedding, 1 September 1979′
Dur: 1’45”
f.p. 1 September 1979, St Luke’s Church, Eccleshill, West Yorkshire
Ged Farrell tpt, Jonathan Hall tpt, Andrew Hall tpt, Anthony Ingham tbn, Andrew Plant dir

‘For Mark’
Dur: 2’45”
f.p. 14 October 1980, The King’s School, Peterborough
Mark Robertshaw cl, Andrew Plant pf

Text by G. K. Chesterton
‘For Simon Kirkbride’
Dur: 2’00”
f.p. April 1995, St John’s Smith Square
Simon Kirkbride Bar, pianist unknown

Text by Gerard Manley Hopkins
‘For Cyril Harriss’
Dur: 1’00”

Text by Walt Whitman
‘In memoriam E.L.M.’
Dur: 1’10”

Text from the Commonplace Book of Richard Hill, c.1500
‘For Robert and Emma’
Dur: 2’15’

Text by Robert Louis Stevenson, from A Child’s Garden of Verses
‘Homage to Malcolm Williamson’
Dur: 1’30”
Text by Andrew Plant and Peter Knaggs
‘For Spencer Knaggs, Simon Johnson, Gareth Jones, Daniel Bointon, David Litchfield and Ben Powell’
f.p. 16 July 1989, The Knights’ Chamber, Minster Precincts, Peterborough.
The dedicatees Trs, Andrew Plant pf

Words from the Commonplace Book of Richard Hill, c.1500
Dur: 2’40″

Commissioned by Neil Page for Stan Lippeatt and the Thoresby Colliery (Joy Manufacturing) Band
[1. Hark, the Herald-angels sing (Trionfale, ben marcato)
2. O come, all ye faithful (Maestoso, ben marcato)]
Dur: 55″ and 50″
Instr: 4/5 cts, flug, 3 hn, 2 bars, 3 tbn, 2 euph, 2 tba, 3 timp, SD, cym
f.p. 18 and 23 December 1995, Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham.

Extended introductions to Hark the Herald-angels sing (melody adapted by W H Cummings from a chorus by Mendelssohn) and
O come, all ye faithful (‘Adeste fideles’, attrib. J W Wade).
Geoff Hawley asst. orchestration

[1. Not quite white 2. …holly and… 3. Carol 4. Red squared 5. Sax and bells and rock and roll]
‘For Jamie’
Dur: 7’00”

Text by John Short
‘To Gordon Crosse’
Dur: 1’10”
f.p. 1 December 2017, Campion Hall, Oxford.
Marco Bulat, Charlie Burton, Harry Jones, Nathaniel Ng, Charlie Ni, Zachary Thornton (solo), Trs
— carol for SATB (2013)
Dur: 1’10”
f.p. 11 February 2014, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor.
EXAUDI (Juliet Fraser S, Tom Williams A, Stephen Jeffes T, Jimmy Holliday B)
‘To Jane Mackay’
Dur: 45”
Instr: fl, ob, cl, hn, bn

Text by Claude Harz, after Beatrix Potter
‘To Emile Burgoyne, Jamie Rose, William Rose and Sam Wilson’
Dur: 40’
Instr: pf – cornet – perc (mar, vibr, 3–5 wbs, tamb, sd, 2 tom-toms/bongos, guiro, sus cym, ant cyms, whip, flexatone, 9 bells)
f.p. 19 March 2011, Jubilee Hall, Aldeburgh.
Ann Firbank nar, soloists and chorus of Jubilee Opera, William Rose cornet,
Sam Wilson perc, Andrew Plant pf / dir

‘To Jane and F.P.’
Dur: 2’40”
Instr: fl, ob, cl, hn, bn

‘To Joseph Phibbs’
Text: anonymous XVth century
Dur: 2’45”
f.p. 30 November 2015, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor.
Schola Cantorum and Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont, Andrew Plant dir

Text: from the Japanese of Masaoki Shiki
‘For Antony Hopkins on his ninetieth birthday’
Dur: 2’00”
f.rec. Lesley-Jane Rogers sop, John Turner recs, Janet Simpson pf
Antony Hopkins – a portrait (Divine Art DDA21217)
This little jeu d’esprit is founded on a rising chromatic motif spanning a perfect fifth, which is heard at the outset on the bass recorder (paying homage to the shakuhachi) and later echoed by the soprano. The figure in augmentation forms the bass line of the piano part – reversed half-way through the piece – over birdsong in the right hand, and makes a final cheerful appearance on the sopranino recorder as the frogs and skylarks exchange their songs in the last bar.

‘For the Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont’
Dur: 3’00”
f.p. 7 December 2012, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor.
Luke Gifford, Crispin Kerr-Dineen, Benedict McGonigal Trs, Schola Cantorum
of St John’s Beaumont, Henry Empson nar, Louis Charmantas, Jaden Daniel,
Peter Elwes, Henry Oakley, Ethan Shum handbells, Tom Wagner tubular bells,
Peter Spencer org, Andrew Plant dir
Adapted from The Tailor of Gloucester (2011)
Text: George MacBeth
Dur: 3’00”
f.p. 11 February 2014, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor.
EXAUDI (Juliet Fraser S, Tom Williams A, Stephen Jeffes T, Jimmy Holliday B)
Text: J. R. R. Tolkien
‘To Will – for 30 September 2021’
Dur: 0’10”
Text: John Aubreys
‘For James Bowman – who has realised so many visions – on his eightieth birthday’
Dur: 1’20”
Traditional text
‘For Simon’
Dur: 2’00”
f.p. 21 July 1982, The King’s School, Peterborough.
Simon Kirkbride, Graham Jeffery Trs, Andrew Plant pf
f.p. adult voice: 5 December 1987, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London.
Simon Kirkbride Bar, Susan Graham Smith pf
Written at the request of Simon Kirkbride, adapted from the arrangement for The King’s Singers.

Originally for solo voice and piano, dedicated to David Bortlik
Traditional text
‘For Fergus Back and Peterborough Children’s Choir’
Dur: 2’30”
f.p. 20 June 1996, St John’s Church, Peterborough.
Peterborough Children’s Choir, Andrew Plant pf, Malcolm Tyler cond

‘For Stephen Short’
Dur: 1’30”

Traditional text
‘For Gavin, 20.viii.1984’
Dur: 1’50”
f.p. 8 March 1986, The Knights’ Chamber, Minster Precincts, Peterborough.
Christopher Dolby T, Andrew Plant pf
f.rec. Andrew Swait Tr, Andrew Plant pf
Songs of Innocence (Signum Classics SIGCD128)
see below

Text by Michael Flanders
‘For Jonathan and Charles’
Dur: 3’00”
f.p. 18 July 1984, The King’s School, Peterborough.
Gavin Welsh, David Kirkbride, Ben Trenchard Trs, Andrew Plant pf
also adapted for high voice, recorder and piano (1985)
f.p. 29 December 1985, The Knight’s Chamber, Minster Precincts, Peterborough.
Alistair Todd Tr, Emma Costin rec, Andrew Plant pf

‘For Alistair and Simon’
Dur: 4’00”
f.p. 16 July 1986, The King’s School, Peterborough.
Alistair Todd, Simon Needham Trs, Andrew Plant pf

Traditional text
‘Commissioned by and dedicated to the Aragon Singers’
Dur: 1’50”

Text by Robert Burns
‘For Ralph McDonald and the Wises’ 1987 Burns’ Night’
Dur: 2’20”
f.p. 24 January 1987, The Deanery, Peterborough Cathedral.
Ralph McDonald Bar, Andrew Plant pf
Text by Michael Flanders
‘For Ian, Jonathan, Simon and Peter’
Dur: 2’30”

Text by Michael Flanders
‘For Ralph’
To the memory of Michael Flanders, whose haunting lyric inspired several walks along old railways; and Donald Swann, who was gracious enough to approve my elaborations.
Dur: 3’00”
f.p. 11 February 1989, Paisley Arts Centre.
Ralph McDonald Bar, Andrew Plant pf
f.rec. Andrew Swait Tr, James Bowman nar / Ct, Andrew Plant pf
Songs of Innocence (Signum Classics SIGCD128)

Text by Alan and Marilyn Bergman
‘To Gill, with gratitude for Johannes Morley’
Dur: 2’20”

Text by Randy Newman
‘For Ralph’
Dur: 2’00”

Text by F. E. Weatherley
‘Commissioned by Ralph McDonald for Andrew Hewitt, Peter Hurrell and Rupert Hutchings’
Dur: 2’30”
f.p. 7 June 1992, Highfield House, Uppingham School.
Andrew Hewitt T, Peter Hurrell T, Rupert Hutchings Bar
Text by Hal David
‘To my friend A.W.’
f.p. 23 April 1994, Brookside Methodist Church, Peterborough.
Ralph McDonald Bar, Andrew Plant pf
‘For Gavin Tate-Lovery and Deirdre Summerlin’
Dur: 2’00”
‘To Gill, with gratitude for Johannes Morley’
Dur: 2’20”
f.p. 5 January 1995, Brookside Methodist Church, Peterborough.
Gavin Tate-Lovery a fl, Deirdre Summerlin vc, Andrew Plant pf
Text by Otis Blackwell (‘John Davenport’) and Eddie Cooley
‘For Tom Williams, Niall Campbell, Daniel Stewart, Alex Learmonth and William Harris’
f.p. 4 June 1995, Brooklands House, Uppingham School, 4 June 1995.
Tom Williams Ct, Niall Campbell Ct, Daniel Stewart Bar / tpt, Alex Learmonth Bar / bongos, William Harris vc

‘For Jamie’
Dur: 2’00”

Words and melody coll. Hugh S. Roberton, combined with traditional melody Shenandoah
‘Homage to Percy Grainger’
Dur: 3’00”
‘For Jamie’
Dur: 2’00”

‘For Duke Dobing and the Friends of Aldeburgh Productions 10.xii.2004’
Dur: 1’20”
f.p. 10 December 2004, The Britten–Pears Library, Aldeburgh.
Duke Dobing fl, Andrew Plant pf

Text: Old Gaelic Rune, recovered by Kenneth MacLeod
‘For James Bowman’ [Rubbra’s original setting is dedicated to Hugh Mackay]
Dur: 1’00”
f.p. 24 May 2006, York Minster.
James Bowman Ct, London Octave, Philip Moore cond
f.rec. James Bowman Ct, London Octave
The Truth From Above (private issue)
‘For Emily Swait and the Christmas Party at The Elms, 20 December 2008’
Dur: 50”
Instr: fl/rec, fl/ob/vn, vn, vc

Text by Noel Coward
‘For James and Daniel’
Dur: 3’50”
f.p. 31 October 2008, Great Hall, St Andrew’s Hospital, Northampton.
James Bowman Ct, Daniel Turner T, Andrew Plant pf

Traditional text
‘For James Bowman and London Octave’
Dur: 2’00”
f.p. 6 January 2011, St Martin-in-the-Fields, London.
James Bowman Ct, London Octave, Lorraine McAslan ldr

[La morisque (Susato), Hahnentanz I (Praetorius), Bergerette: Sans roch (Susato)]
‘For St George’s Dragons’
Dur: 3’00”
Instr: 2 ob, cl, sax – 2 tpt – perc (td) – db
‘For the recorder players of St George’s School, Windsor Castle’
Dur: 1’00”
Instr: 2 desc rec, treb rec.

‘For St George’s Dragons’
Dur: 2’10”
Instr: 3 ob, 2 cl, sax – 2 tpt – perc (td)
f.p. 6 December 2009, St George’s School, Windsor Castle.
St George’s Dragons instr. ens, Andrew Plant cond

‘For the musicians of St George’s School, Windsor Castle’
Dur: 1’45”
Instr: fl, ob, cl – hn – hp – str
f.p. 24 March 2009, The Cloisters, St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle.
Pupils of St George’s School instr. ens, Andrew Plant cond
‘For the musicians of St George’s School, Windsor Castle’
Dur: 46”
f.p. 24 March 2009, The Cloisters, St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle.
Pupils of St George’s School instr. ens, Andrew Plant cond

‘For the musicians of St George’s School, Windsor Castle’
Dur: 2’00”
Instr: desc rec, tr rec, ob, cl, sax – perc (td) – tpt – hpd – str
f.p. 24 March 2009, The Cloisters, St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle.
Pupils of St George’s School instr. ens, Andrew Plant cond

‘For St George’s Dragons, who love English cadences’
Dur: 4’45”
Instr: 2 ob, 3 cl – 2 tpt – db

‘For St George’s Dragons’
Dur: 2’00”
Instr: 2 ob, 2 cl – 2 tpt – perc (td) – db

‘For St George’s Dragons’
Dur: 1’30”
Instr: 2 ob, 2 cl, sax – 2 tpt – perc (td)
f.p. 6 December 2009, St George’s School, Windsor Castle.
St George’s Dragons instr. ens, Andrew Plant cond
‘For Max’
Dur: 2’20”
With acknowledgments to Richard Rodney Bennett
‘For the Choir of St John’s Beaumont’
Dur: 3’30”
‘For the musicians of St John’s Beaumont’
Dur: 2′ 40”
f.p. 11 July 2013, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor.
William Vickery fl, Keisuke Sano vn, Alvin Chan vn, Ethan Shum va, Ben Steiner vc
‘For the Choristers of St John’s Beaumont’
Dur: 3’00”
f.p. 21 May 2013, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor.
Luke Gifford Tr, Crispin Kerr-Dineen Tr, Andrew Plant pf
‘For the Choristers of St John’s Beaumont’
Dur: 2’40”
f.p. 23 March 2012, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor
Schola Cantorum of St John’s Beaumont, Andrew Plant dir

‘For the Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont’
Dur: 2’00”
f.p. 7 December 2012, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor.
Benedict McGonigal Tr, Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont, David Edwards tpt, Peter Spencer org, Andrew Plant dir
‘A piece of nonsense for Keisuke, Cody and Ethan, SJB Boarders’ Christmas Dinner 2012’
Dur: 45”
f.p. 5 December 2012, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor.
Keisuke Sano vn, Ethan Shum vn, Cody Mok pf, Andrew Plant pf
‘For Luke, Peter and Keisuke’
Dur: 3′ 15”
f.p. 21 May 2013, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor.
Luke Gifford Tr, Peter Elwes ob, Keisuke Sano vn, Andrew Plant pf
‘To my parents’
For the Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont
Dur: 4′ 00”
f.p. 6 December 2013, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor
Luke Gifford solo Tr, Crispin Kerr-Dineen, Linus Lampe Trs, Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont, Peter Spencer org,
Andrew Plant dir
‘For Sam and Linus’
Dur: 1′ 30”
f.p. 31 October 2013, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor
Sam Kurita xylo, Linus Lampe cl, Andrew Plant pf
‘For Tim Carleston and the Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont’
Dur: 3′ 30”
f.p. 9 December 2013, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor
Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont, Tim Carleston tpt, Peter Spencer org, Andrew Plant dir
Dur: 40”
f.p. 6 December 2013, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor
Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont, Howard Rowntree tpt, Peter Spencer org, Andrew Plant dir
‘To Pam and Anne’
For the Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont
Dur: 2′ 45”
f.p. 25 March 2014, First Vespers of the Annunciation, Quarr Abbey, Isle of Wight
Crispin Kerr-Dineen solo Tr, Alexander Harwood, Luke Gifford Trs, Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont,
Peter Spencer org, Andrew Plant dir
f.p. (solo song) 20 December 2014, Chapel of the Ascension, University of Chichester, James Bowman Ct,
Andrew Plant pf
‘To Toby, Alexander and Linnet’
For Peter Spencer, and the Chapel Choir and musicians of St John’s Beaumont
Dur: 3′ 00”
f.p. 5 December 2014, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor
Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont, Tim Carleston tpt, Ben Steiner, Dominic Tatham, Gabriel Suvini, Caspian Taee vcs, Peter Spencer org, Andrew Plant dir
‘To Toby, Alexander and Linnet’
For Peter Spencer, Matthew Arnold, the Bacchus Quartet and the Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont
Dur: 3′ 00”
f.p. 5 December 2016, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor
Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont, Matthew Arnold tpt, Bacchus Quartet (Richard Smith vn, Suzanne Evans vn, Dan Manente va, Leonie Adams vc), Peter Spencer org, Andrew Plant dir
‘For Tim Carleston’
Dur: 40”
f.p. 5 December 2014, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor
Chapel Choir of St John’s Beaumont, Tim Carleston tpt, Peter Spencer org, Andrew Plant dir
‘For The Queen’s Six’
Dur: 4′
f.p. 11 May 2016, St John’s Beaumont, Old Windsor
The Queen’s Six
f.rec. The Queen’s Six, The Last Rose of Summer (Signum Classics SIGCD598)
‘To Alan and Griselda Garner, for the 80th birthday celebrations of Gordon Crosse’
Dur: 6′ 00”
f.p. 24 October 2017, The Old Medicine House, Blackden, Cheshire
John Turner recs, Tom Verity cl, Alistair Vennart va
‘For James’
Dur: 2′ 00”
f.p. 30 August 2019, Marcevol Priory, Arboussols, France
James Bowman Ct, Fidelissima baroque ensemble
‘For the Asyla Quartet’
Dur: 7′ 30”
Ragazzo – an irreverent rag after John Ireland’s Ragamuffin – for violin and piano (2022)
‘For Jacob’
Dur: 2′
There was a lady loved a swine – song for medium voice and piano (2024)
Dur: 2’46”